Elsa - Disney's Frozen

Sabtu, 30 Januari 2016



The Characters :
  1. King of Butterfly
  2.  Callie (a little girl)
  3. Fiona
  4. Marga

Once upon a time, ther wass a planet called Planet Wings. The planet is home of thousands of butterflies. Initially, they live safely and comfortably. But, the strength of the planet Wings began to weaken. A lot of butterflies who lose their lives.
King of Butterfly             : "What happen in our planet? Many butterflies are dead "
Fiona                                    : "The power of our planet began to weaken"
Marga                                   : "We have to find another planet bigger and stronger to live by us”
King of Butterfly             : "But, how can we find that planet ??"
Fiona                                    : "According to legend, there is a planet that has a great power and will never weaken."
The King and it assistants took an initiative to find a new planet that has a great power to lived. Because, according to their legends, there was a planet that has a great power and will never weak.
King of Butterfly             : "Prepare everything !! We will explore the universe .. "
Marga                                   : "Your majesty, can I join with you?"
King of Butterfly             : "Of course. You and Fiona will join me to look for the planet "
Marga and Fiona              : "Yes, your majesty ..."
Thousands of planets have been explored. No one of planet which have great power. Once, the king entered a galaxy that is very far away from the planet. The galaxy called Huge galaxy. A lot of planets in the galaxy. But, the king only interested in the ringed planet. He enters the planet, there were many inhabitants of the planet.
King of butterfly             : "Wahahaha.. This is the planet what I looking for... Planet which has great strength .. I will give the name for this planet, planet Circle Of Power!!"
Fiona                                    : "Look!! There are many inhabitants of this planet.... "
King of butterfly             : "What?? I think, this is an empty planet.. We have to destroy the inhabitants of this planet!! "
Marga                                   : "Yes. But, how ??"
King of butterfly              : "By way of becoming their friend and then become their enemy .."
Marga                                   : "I don’t understand, your majesty"
King of butterfly              : "Like this .." (While whispering) "Understand ????"
Fiona and Marga              : "Yes"
King also ask Fiona and Marga to look for one of the inhabitants of the planet who are innocent but intelligent.
Fiona                                    : "Marga, we should change into the inhabitants of the planet who are still children"
Marga                                   : "Must?"
Fiona                                    : "Yes, Because that is the king's command"
Marga                                   : "Okay .."
Fiona                                    : "Are you ready? One, two, three ..(Changing)"
Marga                                   : "Woww ... I look so beautiful" (Mirroring)
Fiona                                    : "Hey, Marga ... Look !! It is the child we were looking for ... "
Marga                                   : "How you can knew?"
Fiona                                    : "The king told me .. He said that she is smart and she can help us"
Marga                                   : "Ohh, Okay ... Now, we must pursue her.!!"
Fiona                                    : "Let's go !!"
Marga and Fiona chasing a girl named Callie. They want to be her friends as well use it.
Callie                                     : "Who are you? Why you follow me? "
Fiona                                    : "I just want to be friend with you"
Callie                                     : "Be friend? But ... "
Marga                                   : "Come on... We can play together, and we do everything together"
Callie                                     : "Mmmm.. (Thinking) Okay.. I will be your friend"
Fiona and Marga              : "Yeahh ...." (Hug Callie/Memeluk Callie)
Several days have passed, Fiona, Marga, and Callie become friends. And Callie had not know that Fiona and Marga is a butterfly that wants to use her. Fiona and Marga always browse and find out all about the planet and its inhabitants.
Fiona                                  : "Marga, we should monitor the activities of the inhabitants of this planet.."
Marga                                   : "Fiona, I want to tell you something" (Seriously)
Fiona                                    : "What is it?"
Marga                                   : "Last night I didn’t sleep. I saw them. They slept so soundly. I was trying to bother them. But, they still sleep "
Fiona                                    : "Marga, you are so smart !!"
Marga                                   : "Really? Thank you”
Fiona                                    : "Your Majesty... !!"
King of Butterfly             : "What's up?"
Fiona                                    : "Your majesty, we have to monitor the inhabitants of the planet while they are sleep"
King of butterfly              : "Why?"
Fiona                                    : "Because, Marga said that she have disturbed the inhabitants of this planet while they was sleeping. But they did not respond. Apparently, they were unconscious during sleep. Maybe we can get a big plan when it "
King of butterfly              : "Yes, that's a good idea !!"
They discovered the weakness of the inhabitants of the planet, and the weakness is when they are sleeping at night, they will be uncounscious. So that, the butterflies can carry out they plan.
King of butterfly              : "Marga, is the potion finished?"
Marga                                   : "Yes, your majesty" (While give the potion to King)
King of butterfly             : "Okay, we have to pour the potion to the entire surface of this planet. So that they all turn into butterflies and we will make them slaves and workers!!” (With a big voice)
Fiona                                    : "Hahaha, you are so smart"
King of butterfly              : "If I not smart, I'm not a king now !!"
Marga                                   : "Your Majesty, how we can pour the potion to the entire surface of this planet?"
King of butterfly             : "Call all inhabitants of the planet Wings to help us here. And if our plan is successful, we could stay here forever "
Marga                                   : "Okay, your majesty"
They called all the butterflies to pour the potion that can make the inhabitants of the planet Circle of Power turns into butterflies.
King of butterfly             : "All of butterflies.... Now, we can live in this strong planet .. We do not worry about the strength of the planet. This planet will be strong forever. And the butterfly will be here forever. And the inhabitants of the planet that turns into a butterfly will always be slaves and workers.. Long live the butterflies !!!"
All of                                     : "Long live the butterflies !!"
Finally, the butterflies captured the planet Circle of Power. And the inhabitants of the planet that has been turned into a butterfly will be used as slaves and workers forever. However, they do not know what will happen later.....

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